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DLLS is ready to disrupt ... and that's why I'm here

Kevin Gray Jr. Avatar
August 25, 2024

DLLS is defined for me by one word and one word only: disruption.

Disruption is defined as a disturbance or radical change to an existing industry or market due to technological innovation.

Disruption, in its most positive form, is exactly what DLLS is and that’s why I’m here.

I’ve been part of the DFW media landscape for over a decade now, most prominently in sports radio, and over the years it has drastically changed.

The fracturing and segmentation of sports media with its 24/7/365 on-demand nature has shifted the viewing and listening habits of DFW sports fans locally and nationally. Having been a part of the sports radio industry professionally now for nearly 5 years, I’ve seen firsthand how fans crave for great sports talk and entertainment when they want it, how they want it. That appetite for unique, yet informative sports talk has been a driving force in my career, to try and redefine what sports talk looks like and sounds like in this market.

As a sports radio host, podcaster, journalist and insider covering the Dallas Mavericks and Dallas Cowboys, it was and still is my duty to provide the most entertaining and informative coverage of the teams you love.

That is why DLLS, specifically DLLS Mavs is now my new home.

Covering the Mavericks as an insider and most recently as the pre/post-game host on the Dallas Mavericks radio network and as host of a Mavericks podcast, I’ve embraced the passion of Mavericks fans and their love of this team. The Mavericks are woven not only into the DFW community, but internationally as well.

Dallas’ following around the world has grown tremendously over the years with Luka Dončić becoming one of the NBA’s biggest superstars. Leading the Mavericks to the NBA Finals for the first time since 2011, Dončić has already become an icon in the DFW sports landscape and he is only getting started, making the Mavericks one of the most exciting teams to cover in the NBA today.

I’ve had the privilege of covering the Mavericks since 2019 and now I have the opportunity to re-define what covering the Mavs looks like and sounds like and most importantly I get to do it with YOU.

YOU will be the driving force of DLLS Mavs Nation. YOU will be in mind every time I host a pregame, postgame or DLLS Mavs daily podcast. YOU will be the lifeblood of DLLS Mavs and all of my energy will put toward ensuring you have an immersive experience with this brand, this team and most of all this community.

I am here to help disrupt, create chaos, reimagine and redesign what covering your favorite team looks like and to lead that charge with an ‘Avengers’ like group of Mavericks personalities that includes Bobby Karalla, Tim Cato, and the incomparable Marc Stein! We have a common goal to bring you the very best Dallas Mavericks talk each and every day that will be entertaining, fun, honest, and informative.

It is my honor and privilege to serve you, as a ‘DIEHARD’ member of our DLLS Mavs community and to take this journey with you.

I could not be more excited for this groundbreaking venture that will bring you coverage of your favorite team, everyday with insider access, player interviews, daily shows and podcasts that will entertain, captivate and fully immerse you into our community. Through our merchandise, daily content, watch parties or any other of our incredible benefits DLLS Mavs has to offer, just know that YOU will be at the heart of all of it.

I am here to take this journey with you and that is why I am here with DLLS Mavs…to disrupt!


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